How to create a desktop shortcut to a frequently used program


Desktop shortcuts are very essential as they help expedite day to day task by allowing you to easily find applications that are frequently used.


To create a desktop shortcut follow the steps below:


  1. Click Start, point to Programs, and then right-click the program you want to create the shortcut to.
  2. Click Create Shortcut. The shortcut is now at the end of the Programs list. For example, if you created a shortcut to Microsoft Word, to find that program, click Start, and then point to Programs. You will find the shortcut, named "Microsoft Word (2)" (without the quotation marks), at the bottom of the Program list.
  3. Or click Create Desktop Shortcut. The shortcut will be placed on the desktop of the computer.


Applies to:

  • Desktop
Article ID: KB000010
Modified Date: 30/05/2011 12:22:24
Version: 1.0